Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

On the 20th July 2011 all my friends and i decided to see the highly anticipated and latest Harry Potter film at the Cinema using our Orange  Wednesday tickets. Marking an end to an era we all decided to dress up in the school uniform and whilst in the cinema we received quite a few odd looks. However it was very fun and the film was amazing!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  Part 2 is a epic fantasy film directed by David Yates. It is the eighth and final installment of the series and continues the story of Harry and his best friends search for the last of Voldemort’s  lost horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality therefore with these they are able to destroy them and finally the dark wizard once and for all.

Overall being a big Harry Potter fan i was mostly effected by it being the end and some scenes even caused me to shed a tear or two. Despite the serious themes it possessed such as death, betrayal and friendship there were also some elements of humor such as when Neville Longbottom and Professor McGonagall are discussing a quick battle strategy after Voldemort is seen destroying the shield that everyone helped to put around Hogwarts. The teacher says to Neville to blow up a part of the school to stop the death eaters from getting in and he replies ‘Are you really giving us permission to do this?’  ‘Yes, Longbottom’  ‘Blow it up, Boom!’  he then says  in a funny voice ‘BOOM!’ . The other part was when Mr Filch comes running in shouting ‘Students out of bed! Students out of bed!’ and McGonagall says ‘They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!’ I thought that this was very amusing as Filch is seen doing this in the other films and is quite stupid at times.  Neville is then all of a sudden a character that everyone is beginning to love and is seen as being quite excited of blowing up the school when he was the character that wanted to stick to the rules making us feel quite affectionate towards him. Professor McGonagall was probably my favourite character along with Neville as she was seen getting involved with the battle and she even came out with some good one liners that seemed to make the whole of the audience laugh.

It was clearly great to see some of the cast from the previous movies come together and i liked  that a beloved character that we don’t see that much of got a chance to shine rather then staying in the background. I felt that it was a really powerful and emotional ending to a magical series.

July 31, 2011. Tags: . Uncategorized.

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